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Moving can be stressful, but with Clean To Shine’s End-of-Lease Cleaning Melbourne service, you can cross one thing off your to-do list. Our experienced cleaners will ensure that your old home is left in pristine condition and ready for the next tenant.

We use only the best cleaning products and equipment to ensure that every nook and cranny is perfectly cleaned. With our 100% satisfaction guarantee, you can rest assured that you’ll get your full bond back. So, what are you waiting for? Say goodbye to lease worries!

End Of Lease Cleaning
We are experts in end-of-lease cleaning, bond cleaning, vacate cleaning/ Reno cleaning, and pre-sale house cleaning for units, townhouses, apartments, and houses in Sydney. We work with over 22 Real Estate Agents throughout Sydney. Experience a spotless transition with our End of Lease Cleaning service – your ticket to a smooth move-out process.

Pre-Sale Cleaning
Don’t stress about your pets or children: We mostly use environmentally friendly products to provide a clean environment. We take care of your home with the same care as if it were our own. We leave your sanctuary spotless so that you can focus on the rest of your life.

Reno Cleaning Services
If you have recently renovated your property, we can come in and remove all the dust and debris and perform a renovation clean to suit your needs.
Let us help you make your home shine after your fab new reno!

Open House Cleaning & Sanitizing

After your Open House ends, Clean To Shine will come in and sanitize your client’s property, keeping their house clean and safe.

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